

In the Educational Specialist Degree Program at Carson-Newman University, you will develop advanced skills in analyzing theory and research findings for application in a variety of educational setting. Designed for full-time educators who already possess at least a master’s degree, the educational specialist program at Carson-Newman takes you to the next level in your career. 通过这个项目, you’ll develop advanced skills in analyzing theory and research findings for application in a variety of educational settings. You’ll also build leadership skills required for implementation of research-based change strategies. You complete assignments online and participate in online discussions and group activities, 所有这些都是灵活的格式. 在秋季和春季学期, you will finish one three-credit course every eight weeks, 在夏天, 你最多可以完成四门课程. 

课程 & 学位要求

If you are seeking administrative licensure, the Administrator’s Licensure Specialization, 是什么导致了ILL-B许可证, 可以添加到Ed.S. Upon passing the Praxis Leaders Licensure Assessment (SLLA) you may be recommended for the Beginning Administrative License (ILL-B) in Tennessee. Requirements to become a candidate for administrative licensure include, 但不限于, two completed years of successful teaching, practicum hours completed in a Tennessee public school under supervision of an approved mentor, and a recommendation from your current school system.

  • 领导力基础
  • 法律及道德问题
  • Educational Leadership Theory and Policy Analysis
  • Emergent Educational Leadership Trends and Topics
  • 学校管理
  • 专业学习社区
  • Organizational Leadership Effecting Continuous Growth in a Culture of Change
  • 财务规划及职责
  • Ethical, Social, and Spiritual Leadership Principles
  • Mentored Residency Internship and Professional Portfolio
  • 相关领域的额外课程
  • Educational Leadership Evidence Portfolio
  • 教育领导实践项目
  • 行政领导 Licensure Assessment

  • 领导力基础
  • 课程与教学策略
  • Educational Leadership Theory and Policy Analysis
  • 教师作为领导者
  • 持续改进的评估
  • Diversity and Exceptionality Practice and Theory
  • Organizational Leadership Effecting Continuous Growth in a Culture of Change
  • 内容字段中的主题
  • Ethical, Social, and Spiritual Leadership Principles
  • Mentored Residency Internship and Professional Portfolio
  • 相关领域的额外课程


  • 行政领导
  • 课程与教学领导


Ed的所有课程.S. program apply towards the Carson-Newman’s Doctor of Education degree, which can be earned by taking an additional 9 hours in research courses and completing a dissertation.


A graduate degree is an investment in your future, and we want to equip you to succeed.

• As a graduate student at Carson-Newman you’ll receive access to the full Microsoft Office suite.

• Graduate students enrolled in at least six credit hours qualify to apply for federal financial aid. 如果你有资格, 你最多可以借20美元,每年500美元, which is more than enough to cover the total program cost.

• You’ll be assigned a personal faculty advisor, who will help draft a course plan tailored to your specific goals.


Our no interest payment plans help reduce up-front costs. Enrolling in a payment plan allows you to make monthly payments on your direct charges instead of paying your full balance before classes start.

Our Office of 金融援助 is available to guide you through the many options available to graduate students at Carson-Newman.

The Educator Preparation Program (EPP) at Carson-Newman University is fully accredited by the Council for the 认证 of Educator Preparation (CAEP). The Administrative Licensure mentioned on this page was part of the most recent review, jointly conducted by CAEP and the Tennessee Department of Education. For information regarding the CAEP Annual Reporting Measures, 点击这里.






To apply for the Carson-Newman educational specialist program, please follow these steps:

提交GRE成绩. The GRE must have been taken within the past ten years using the most recent scoring guide. A total score of 290 (Verbal + Quantitative), including a minimum writing score of 4.0,是预期值. http://www.美国教育考试服务中心.org/gre

提交申请后, any application materials can be sent to the Graduate 招生 Department at


For more information or for next steps, please contact us at



$570 per credit hour + $50 per credit hour technology fee

Graduate students at C-N may also be eligible for federal and state financial aid. Student loan payments may be deferred until program completion. 另外, the Teacher Loan Forgiveness program is available for up to $5,000 for graduates who teach for five years in low-income schools and meet other



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